
Product Design


Tailored is a mobile application designed to help tailor outfits out of the clothes you own and share them with friends. The goal of the application is to fight fast fashion that's overtaking the world right now and devastating for the environment. The app promotes reusing your clothes into awesome outfits that you can then share with your friends and see what their wearing for the day. I'm currently working with a friend to develop and launch the application.

Final Design Preview

Target Users

Our target demographic for the app is young adults and teens who are either getting into fashion or are already very into the fashion world and who not only want to show off their style but also catalog their outfits. They are on their phones a lot throughout the day and are very knowledgeable about many different forms of social media.

Focus Pillars




For this project, one of my focuses was creating a homey feel for the application, this goes with the first pillar I chose, comfort. I wanted to users to feel at ease navigating the app and like it was a natural expansion of their wardrobe onto their phone. The next pillar, organization, revolved around how I organize my closet in real life. I wanted to give people the option to organize their clothes as much or as little as they want. From research into our target audience, I found that many people love to share their outfits on social media, with some even having separate accounts to share their fits. I wanted to bring that idea here and create a way to encourage people to share their daily fits.

Wireframe Prototyping

Desired User Flow

The app was initially based around topics that users would explore save and debate but I realized quickly that the implementation would not work well. There was too much friction to get the debates started and general topics are too large to be the main focus on the explore page. I decided to pivot to put the main focus on debate questions.

Design Iterations

I went through two iterations of user testing but having a handful of people run through a basic figma prototype of the application. This allowed me to gather great feedback on the usability and flow of the different sections and greatly improve their functionality.

Daily Fit

When first designing the Today Page, the daily outfit was directly incorporated and editable from that main page. Users felt that this home page was very cluttered and distracted from the social component, where you could view your friends' fits for that day underneath. I decided to make it a separate page that you could easily pop into from the main page. In the second round of testing, users liked the separation and having a separate area to edit the outfit but with it being a whole separate page, now felt like it could include more features. Since this was the "Daily Fit'' that would be recommended by the app, the general user would most likely want to heavily customize it. I therefore settled on a page where that made it super easy to add and remove items as well as easily identify and access the items already added. I also made it easy to share the daily fit and see when it's published since the app revolves around the idea of "share what you wear" on that specific day.

Implementing Categories

The original Wardrobe Page was just a huge grouping of all the clothing items and was mainly there as the page to add new items. The feedback that I received was that it would be unpleasant to browse through when there were lots of clothes and it would be hard to find individual items that they were looking for. I wanted to make the page into something that users would actually enjoy browsing and so I switched to using clothing categories inspired by the Fits Page but these categories would be basic and just help with finding specific items. I also modified the "enlarged fits page" to align with the look of the "Daily Fit".

Full Final Design

App Engagement

The app is centered around people's daily outfits. Each day users would return to the app to find a new suggested outfit for the day that they can then modify and work off of. By scrolling down they can see all the fits that their friends have published for the day.


I wanted to make sure it was easy for users to add their clothes to the app. They can just take a photo of the item on the floor and the app automatically removes the background and tries to detect certain attributes about the item like the type and color. Users can browse through their clothes which are sorted by type and the when they click on a certain item they can see other similar items in their wardrobe or items that might go well with it.


In addition to creating daily fits, users can create more outfits and sort them in categories that they can then go back to in the future. While the app recommends publishing the daily outfit users can choose to publish the other fits they make as well as categories that they've created.

Interactive Prototype